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Coates by Stow
Coates by Stow, Medieval Settlement & Moated Site
Coates by Stow, Medieval Settlement & Moated Site
Coates by Stow, Medieval Settlement & Moated Site

"The main area of medieval settlement remains is located east of the moated complex on the north side of the present road to Grange Farm.

They take the form of a series of substantial earthworks and associated buried remains, including a linear hollow way about 0.7m in depth and aligned approximately east-west, which represents the original road through the village" 

DB 27 March 2021 

Coates By Stow, Medieval Settlement & Moated Site
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith

Tiny and found amongst farm buildings, St. Edith's church in Coates-by-Stow, has Norman windows in the chancel, transitional doorways and a Perpendicular rood screen complete with loft.

It was restored by one of the more sensitive Victorian architects.

Mark Acton, 2007

Coates By Stow,
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith

The north side of St Edith's. The north doorway into the nave, with its plain and straight head, though blocked, is clearly visible.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church, north doorway
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith

Another view of the church from the south-east.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith
Coates by Stow, St Edith

View from the west of the bellcote.

A west tower was proposed in the early 13th century and the arch linking it to the nave can be seen here in the external wall of the church.

June 2016

Coates By Stow, St Helen, bellcote
Coates by Stow, St Edith, Churchyard
Coates by Stow, St Edith, Churchyard
Coates by Stow, St Edith, Churchyard

"Monument. 1790 ... Slate plaques set between columns on 3 sides inscribed with names and dates of William Maltby and family" 

DB 27 March 2021 

Coates By Stow, Saint Edith Churchyard, William Maltby
Coates by Stow, St Edith, Churchyard
Coates by Stow, St Edith, Churchyard
Coates by Stow, St Edith, Churchyard

The Reverend Lionel William Rupert Bacon was awarded an OBE in 1996 for services to Homeless People and to Toc H in Worthing, West Sussex. 

DB 27 March 2021 

Coates By Stow, Saint Edith Churchyard, Reverend Lionel William Rupert Bacon
Coates by Stow, St Edith, font
Coates by Stow, St Edith, font
Coates by Stow, St Edith, font

The plain cylindrical font at St Edith's.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church font
Coates by Stow, St Edith, interior
Coates by Stow, St Edith, interior
Coates by Stow, St Edith, interior

The original Perpendicular screen has survived at Coates.  Even more unusual is the survival of the coving and loft with parapet above.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church interior, rood screen
Coates by Stow, St Edith, interior
Coates by Stow, St Edith, interior
Coates by Stow, St Edith, interior

The interior of this atmospheric church has remained little altered over the centuries, as this older photograph indicates.

Peter Grey Archive, 1968

Coates By Stow, St Edith church interior
Coates by Stow, St Edith, memorial
Coates by Stow, St Edith, memorial
Coates by Stow, St Edith, memorial

The inscription under this figure reads: Here lyeth ye body of Brian Cooke of Doncaster in / the County of York Esq, who by Sara his wife / daughter and heire of Henry Riley Gent had issue / Brian / Alice who died young / William who died young / Susan / George / Sara / Henry / Margaret / he died upon the 27th of December 1653 / in the eightieth year of his age.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church monument, Brian Cooke, Henry Riley
Coates by Stow, St Edith, nave window
Coates by Stow, St Edith, nave window
Coates by Stow, St Edith, nave window

Window in the north wall of the nave at St Edith's.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church
Coates by Stow, St Edith, screen
Coates by Stow, St Edith, screen
Coates by Stow, St Edith, screen

The screen at Coates is a fine survival from the Perpendicular period.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church, screen
Coates by Stow, St Edith, south doorway
Coates by Stow, St Edith, south doorway
Coates by Stow, St Edith, south doorway

The south doorway into the nave, with round arch and dog-tooth moulding, is from the Transitional period.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church, south door
Coates by Stow, St Edith, stairs to rood loft
Coates by Stow, St Edith, stairs to rood loft
Coates by Stow, St Edith, stairs to rood loft

Stairs to the rood loft.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church stairs
Coates by Stow, St Edith, windows
Coates by Stow, St Edith, windows
Coates by Stow, St Edith, windows

A tiny pair of windows provide illumination to the rood loft.

June 2013

Coates By Stow, St Edith church, window